
The Kunstmuseum St.Gallen

The Kunstmuseum St. Gallen, with its attractive, temporary exhibitions of contemporary and modern art, enjoys international renown. As a treasure chest of eastern Switzerland, the museum houses an abundant collection of paintings and sculptures from the Late Middle Ages through to the present, the highlights of which are shown in a permanent exhibition. 

The building, constructed in 1877 by Johann Christoph Kunkler in a neoclassical style, invites one to stroll through the art of the past and present: a dialogue of old and new enables a diversified cultural experience, whereby international traveling exhibitions can be seen, and masterpieces of the past meet today’s contemporary art! An extensive educational programming team has made the Kunstmuseum St. Gallen an attractive place for encountering art of the past and present!

The LOK, the second «venue» of the Kunstmuseum, serves as a culture lab for contemporary art. It is part of the Lokremise cultural center in St. Gallen, which was opened in 2010 by the Canton of St. Gallen. The immediate proximity to cinema and dance/theater opens fascinating synergies, while the raw character of the interior space enables process-oriented exhibitions. 

The Stiftung Kunstmuseum St.Gallen

The public service association, Stiftung Kunstmuseum St.Gallen, is the funding provider for the  Kunstmuseums St.Gallen. Emanating in 2012 from the Stiftung St.Galler Museums, it is supported ideally and financially by three sponsors, the City of St. Gallen, the  Ortsbürgergemeinde (citizen’s community) St.Gallen, as well as the Kunstverein St.Gallen. In addition, it receives regular subsidies from the Canton of St. Gallen, as well as from private donors.

The purpose of the foundation is to maintain and develop the art collection, realize attractive exhibitions, and carry out contemporary art mediation.  Statues and service agreements between the foundation, city, Ortsbürgergemeinde, Kunstverein, and Canton of  St. Gallen form the basis for the strategy, as well as for the operative tasks of the Kunstmuseum St. Gallen in the areas of exhibiting, collecting, research, and education.

The foundation board is responsible for the strategic orientation of the museum’s operations and finances.  The foundation board comprises three delegates from the Kunstverein, and two from both the Ortsbürgergemeinde and the City of  St. Gallen, whereby the latter is represented by a member of parliament and a delegate from the city council.

The program commission of the Kunstverein serves as a professional committee of the Kunstmuseum and together with the management, works out the museum’s program in terms of content for the attention of the foundation board.  

Angela Hensch Wyss, President, Delegate of the Kunstverein St.Gallen
Dr. Corina Saxer-Stacher, Vice President, Delegate of the Ortsbürgergemeinde St.Gallen
Gallus Hufenus, Delegate of the Stadtparlament St.Gallen
Philipp Lämmlin, Delegate of the Kunstverein St.Gallen
Beat Schedler, Delegate of the Ortsbürgergemeinde St.Gallen
Dr. Kristin Schmidt, Delegate of the Stadtrat St.Gallen
Gaby Senn, Delegate of the Kunstverein St.Gallen

Christian Fuchs, President of the Program Commission
Roland Wäspe, Director Kunstmuseum
Alex Hanimann
Charles Keller
Dr. med. Cornelius Lenggenhager
Dr. Kristin Schmidt
Gaby Senn
Prof. Dr. Armin Wildermuth